Yoga Services

Explore our range of services focused on Vinyasa & Ashtanga yoga practice, including virtual classes, workshops, and personalized sessions tailored to your individual needs and goals.

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selective focus photography of black Buddha figurine on green leaf
selective focus photography of black Buddha figurine on green leaf

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woman doing yoga
woman doing yoga

I first met Tommy at an unrelated class at a healing center. We connected immediately, however, I had regrets that it took me a some time before I finally made it to one of his classes. I enjoyed his classes so much I asked if I could learn more so I could practice in my own time and on my travels. Tommy was immediately enthusiastic to share not only his practice, but the spiritual, philosophical, emotional, and physical lessons he had learnt along the way. The lessons never felt transactional, I genuinely felt Tommy cared for me as a friend that he wanted to succeed and feel better.

Tommy took the time to explain the practice, methods, and the meaning behind everything we learnt. I had so many questions that were all answered with patience and humility. I'm certain that anyone practicing with Tommy in the future will see the immediate benefit and find themselves integrating a new way of living.

What students say

Lougene Mahfoud, Australia, 30 years old