-The beginning-

As a child full of boundless energy, I often felt misunderstood and out of sync with the world around me. My parents struggled to contain my hyperactivity, leaving me with a lingering sense of not fitting in. However, everything changed when I stumbled upon the transformative power of movement at the age of 18.

Through yoga, aerial silks, and contemporary dance, I found my place in the world. Suddenly, I felt a deep sense of belonging and connection to something greater than myself. It was a profound shift that ignited my spirit and propelled me forward on a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment.

- Following the traditional path of “success”-

Even though I studied and trained rigorously to become an aerial silks instructor, and I was teaching and earning a living, I was constantly told that pursuing it as a career path wasn't sustainable. I was repeatedly informed that I wouldn't be 'successful.' Regrettably, I internalized these opinions and decided to study law, a profession that seemed to promise 'real success' and 'security' in life. Even though it wasn't my passion, I felt like I was on the right path. At least, I had the approval of everyone around me."

-Finding my purpose in Asia-

After six years of intense work in some of the most prestigious law firms in Latin America and for some of the world's largest multinational companies, I had a strong sense of 'success' because I had become what society and the system dictated one should become. But deep down, I was profoundly unhappy. The exploitation wasn't worth it, making work the center of my life wasn't worth it, and losing touch with who I was and my passions definitely wasn't worth it. So, I quit. I decided to leave everything behind and travel to India to become a yoga instructor. That's how I ended up in one of the most spiritual cities in the world: Varanasi, a place where death is embraced and celebrated by many people in India and around the world. There, my old self died, and I was reborn as a new person, a Yogi.

Over two years of traveling around India, Nepal, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore, Bali - Indonesia, the Philippines and Cambodia I got the immense privilege of teaching in places such as SAE Lao NGO, HotYo and Damai studio in Malaysia, and The school of unified healing in Ubud, Bali; this experiences have given me the tools and experience to share.

My Story

My certificates and experience

Vinyasa Yoga Instructor at Hot Yo Malaysia and Damai Studio - Malaysia /2023

Vinyasa Yoga and Ashtanga yoga Instructor at School of Unified Healing (Ubud) and Shankari artist sanctuary - Bali / 2023 -2024

International Yoga Day retreat Maldives / 2024

Vinyasa Yoga Instructor - Free diving resort
Philippines/ 2024

Retreat Manager & Yoga Instructor - Yoga Barn Kampot Cambodia / 2024

Journey of Self-Discovery

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woman in black tank top and black pants bending her body on floor
woman in black tank top and black pants bending her body on floor
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woman in white tank top and pink leggings doing yoga